Are you a practioner or a pontificator?


One of the benefits of working for a company like Best Buy is that we get a bunch of interesting and notable speakers that visit our corporate campus  Many of them are related to the retail or consumer electronics business.  For example, our CEO holds a speaker series where most recently the CEO of Cisco, John Chambers, held a talk.  But the presenters that visit the office aren’t always business related; we have folks that range from social responsibility to entertainers to politicians stopping by the campus. (I believe that Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar gave a speech at the office in the past year or so.)  Typically I choose to attend the ones from brands that I’m really interested in learning about, such as when the former CEO of Harley Davidson appeared, or I go to presentations that have a marketing focus.

Earlier this week author and blogger Seth Godin gave a presentation to a pretty packed house over the lunch hour.  If you’re not familiar with him, Godin is much publicized and pretty heralded in marketing circles.  I haven’t read any of his books but I do keep his blog near the top of my Google reader.  Going into the event, I was interested to check out the hype.  Continue reading